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On-site training. More insight into the applications, more development.

Release:emykpehf View:1943

  Our company organized a one-day enterprise training on April 10, 2019, aiming to strengthen the new employees' understanding of the enterprise and products, and answer the questions and difficulties encountered by the sales personnel in the sales process. The training is organized by the general affairs office. The main trainees are: Mr. Meng, Zhou Gong and Zeng Gong. The trainees are: Zhang Li, Su Junfang, Cheng Tianyu, Liu Ying, Cui Shuxun, Wang Jinjin, Zhang Xueting and Guo Yaoyao.

  First of all, Zhou Yanxin of the technology department introduces the basic development and product overview of the company based on the company's product color pages, and then introduces the main performance and product advantages and disadvantages of various products in detail, so that you can understand the applicable fields of the products in depth, which is helpful for the sales personnel to introduce the products to customers more specifically.

  Secondly, enter the interactive link. The first impression of the company, the cognition and understanding of the products, the skills of product sales and the problems in the sales process are expressed freely.

  The problems can be summarized as follows:

  1. Product cognition is abstract and unclear. Most of the domestic and foreign sales staff are mostly female and generally do not come to the factory to visit and study. They only know about the products through web pages, pictures and other channels, and they don't have a clear understanding of the products, so they can't better introduce the products to customers;

  Second, I don't understand the relevant technical problems, such as the relationship between the scraper and the bandwidth of the cleaner product, and why the recommended scraper is less than the bandwidth;

  3. Pay no attention to the needs of customers. A problem was found in this conversation. When our salesmen were selling products, they ignored or didn't pay attention to the actual situation and needs of customers. They just made their own quotations, and didn't sell products in a targeted and purposeful way. We should pay more attention to understand the needs of customers, recommend products and quotations on the basis of guiding customers, and increase the success rate of sales.

  In view of the above problems, Zhou Gong made a detailed explanation for you and put forward professional solutions. In addition, weekly workers will inform the technical part workers and the corresponding responsible persons for the convenience of consultation.

  After that, Zhou Gong led you to the sample room to visit the samples, and through the way of combining the color pages with the actual products, let you understand the products more vividly and intuitively. Then, from 10:30-12:00 a.m., Zeng Shiping led everyone to visit the workshops. Understand our company's composition, product production and processing (process flow), quality inspection, packaging, delivery and other processes in detail to deepen our understanding of products.

  In the afternoon, general manager Meng will train for you.

  I. introduce the technological process of rubber, polyurethane, ceramics and other products and the significance of relevant physical performance indexes of the products. Through the comparison of physical performance index parameters between similar products, the advantages and disadvantages of products are emphasized to match the product fitness, so as to meet the needs of customers;

  II. Introduction of product application fields and industries involved

  This paper introduces the application of products in mining, coal mine, power plant and other industries by way of examples, and lists in detail the mechanical equipment involved in the application of our company's products in these industries. Let us know the limitations of the existing sales scope, understand the significance of breaking the inherent sales channels and the urgency of the sales scope, and the importance of developing new sales thinking;

  III. take technical service and on-site construction service as the development goal of the enterprise

  This paper mainly introduces the market development trend and importance of enterprise technical service and on-site construction service, and emphasizes that our company will take the development of technical service and on-site construction service as the goal in the future.

  Then, Mr. Meng pointed out that "the only constant change" in the enterprise development thinking requires that every person, department and link of the company should be constantly changing to seek new development for the enterprise, constantly develop new products, explore new sales areas and create new profit growth points, so as to gradually enhance development from scratch, from small to large.

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